Examining the effects of virtual reality travel on tourist happiness and travel intentions using extended stimulus-organism-response theory: the perspective of Chinese tourists


Virtual reality
hedonic value
utilitarian value
SOR model

How to Cite

Qian Zhang, & Zhaoqi Li. (2025). Examining the effects of virtual reality travel on tourist happiness and travel intentions using extended stimulus-organism-response theory: the perspective of Chinese tourists. Research on Economics and Management Science, 1(1), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.70693/rems.v1i1.374


The purpose of our study was to identify the psychological mechanisms through which VR presence and enjoyment influence travel intentions and explore how elements of different contexts (hedonic and utilitarian values) to influence travel experience satisfaction. We used Credamo to collect our data and used SPSS 28.0, AMOS 28.0, SPSS Process Macro to analyze the data. The results of analysis showed that VR presence and VR enjoyment positively influence travel experience satisfaction, which, in turn, boosts tourist happiness and positively influenced travel intention. Moderating effect indicate that utilitarian values strengthen the relationship between VR presence and travel experience satisfaction and hedonic values strengthen the relationship between VR enjoyment and travel experience satisfaction. In addition, this study potentially reveals the subtle interrelationships between various factors influencing tourists' behaviors. And it offers key insights into tourist psychology in VR-driven destination marketing.



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