Art and Aesthetics Review
Hosted by: Hong Kong Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Published by: WISVORA Publishing
Frequency: Bimonthly, with rapid publication
Art and Aesthetics Review (AAR) is an academic journal dedicated to exploring art philosophy, aesthetic theory, and their roles in contemporary society. In addition to traditional discussions on aesthetics and art theory, AAR also studies applied arts such as film, music, and design, providing a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue. The journal is particularly interested in the convergence of art with emerging fields such as the metaverse, digital aesthetics, and the cultural industries, highlighting the transformation of art in today’s digital and globalized world.
Focus Areas:
•Art Philosophy and Aesthetic Theory: Explores the nature and value of art and how aesthetic theories shape cultural expression and perception in contemporary society.
•Applied Arts: Covers practical art forms such as film, music, and design, examining their impact on society, culture, and technology.
•Multidisciplinary Integration of Art: Focuses on the intersection of art with cutting-edge fields like the metaverse, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, analyzing how these innovations reshape the cultural industries and artistic expression.
•Cultural Industries and Art Economy: Studies the role of art in the global cultural industries and the economic models that support the art sector, examining art’s position in the global market.
Types of Submissions:
•Theoretical papers on art and aesthetics
•Case studies on applied arts
•Multidisciplinary research involving art
•Explorations of emerging technologies and their impact on art
Open Access Policy:
AAR is an open-access journal, making all articles freely available online to encourage the dissemination of knowledge and the integration of art with other disciplines.