As an innovation in traditional inclusive finance, digital inclusive finance is an important way to coordinate the income gap between urban and rural areas, popularize financial products and services, and promote the digitalization process. Therefore, this study matches the digital inclusive finance index with the Chinese household tracking survey, uses a panel data econometric model, a mediation effect model, and a moderation effect model to control for the characteristics of heads of households and families, and explores the impact mechanism of the development of digital inclusive finance on inclusive growth in urban and rural areas in China, with a view to providing a scientific basis and policy suggestions for promoting inclusive growth. The study finds that: First, digital inclusive finance has a significant income-increasing effect on both urban and rural households, among which it has a greater impact on rural households, which is conducive to narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas; Second, digital inclusive finance improves rural household income and narrows the income gap between urban and rural areas by promoting rural household entrepreneurship and business activities and alleviating the formal credit constraints of rural households; Third, digital inclusive finance can generally promote families with access to the Internet, a strong ability to use digital tools, and small information constraints to start businesses and obtain formal credit. This study innovatively incorporates entrepreneurial quality into the research of the transmission mechanism; three theories of the "digital divide" are put forward and tested. Research value: Clarifying the transmission mechanism of digital inclusive finance to promote inclusive growth, and providing policy suggestions for the development of digital inclusive finance.
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